Wednesday, August 01, 2007

still here, still beading...

Still addicted to the beads. Hubby was watching me last night as I was sewing some clasps on. I had all the bracelets lined up. (a great photo op, and I missed it! I may be approaching double digits in completed pieces...) I mentioned that I thought I may be addicted to these. He laughed and say "might be?"
In my defense, most of these will be Christmas gifts. (those that I can bear to let go...)
Also, since it's going to be 40 odd degrees Celsius today (that's over 100 for the Fahrenheit crowd), it's much easier dealing with thread and beads rather than a lap full of wool.

Have I provided enough justification? Or am I just a bead or two away from the looney bin?

And, Tracy was asking about beads in the comments about the beaded wristers - She wanted to know if there were any tips about choosing beads for certain projects. Tracy, to be honest, I just put what I like together. The wristers were full of colour already, so I went with a clear bead so as not to distract from the colours. On a plainer wool, I may go for more colour in the beads, depending on the effect I was after. The bracelets are easier - choose a common theme and run with it. I have an art background, so maybe it's easier for me, but really, if you go with what you love, it's hard to go wrong...

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