Thursday, August 09, 2007

unwelcome visitor

As you know, we have a cottage. It's the laws of nature that if you have a cottage, you have wildlife nearby. This is usually a good thing. We have loons in our bay. We have a heron that likes to perch on the rock out in front of our place. We even have a mink that nests nearby and likes to scamper on our beach. (He's cute, and runs away very fast when we are around - we never see any indication of the nest or anything). But we also have the bane of cottagers and homeowners alike - raccoons. Sorry to any raccoon lovers out there, but to us, they are vermin. They get in the garbage, they make a mess, and this mess can attract bears. (which I love, but at a safe distance). Raccoons are also more likely to carry disease and other crap that I don't want to deal with. SO this was not what we wanted to see on the weekend. A baby raccoon decided to join us on the beach. The golden lab next door decided she didn't want baby coon here, and chased it on to our rock before we got the dog away (again, disease and other crap that we did not want dog exposed to). In the absolute heat of the day, the baby raccoon decided to nap on our rock (about 8 feet away from us). After a few minutes, we all decided this was not good - the animal was going to cook itself. So we did chase it off the rock, and back into the bush. To be honest, it didn't look too healthy, and there was no mama raccoon around. For the next two days, we didn't see any return, so here's hoping that hopefully, mama came and got her baby away from the mean old humans. The coons don't like us much - we lock up our garbage very well, and have numerous bungees on the composter. No raccoon snacking at Chez Curler Cottage!

(Sorry - have some great Loon and Heron pictures, and I just can't seem to find them...)

Also, I should mention in regard to yesterday's post - remember? the finished mittens? Did anyone note there were TWO finished mittens? Is my reign as the "one mitt wonder" over?


Carol said...

Raccoons are a pain. My sister lives in downtown Toronto and has 'coon problems! They hang out onn her back deck and leave poop everywhere. Disgusting AND unhealthy....

Janis said...

Oh my god, I hate raccoons so much, so much that it's almost a phobia, I think. We have about four that come by regularly and eat the cat food that we foolishly leave outside, but for the most part, the cats and the coons lived peacefully together.

And then one afternoon, I heard a really awful noise, looked outside, and a raccoon had attacked and WAS EATING a kitten. EATING. THE KITTEN. Basically the worst thing ever, because I love cats and hate raccoons. I called animal control and they came and coaxed the raccoon out from under the deck with a hose (it had taken the kitten under the deck to finish eating too, ugh) and took it away.

I figured it was rabid, because I'd never heard of raccoons eating kittens before, but tests came back and it wasn't rabid. It was normal.


So, I hate raccoons. It's one thing if it's all whacked out and rabid and eating a kitten, but another if it's totally fine and normal and doing it. And blah blah, circle of life, I know. But MY circle of life? Does not include raccoons eating live adorable animals.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but I'm a little horrified that you would chase an unwell, unmothered animal into the woods regardless of whether you like it or not or consider it cute. karma man.