Friday, January 18, 2008

thanks Wannietta!

Quiz stolen shamelessly from Wannietta... For once I scored well on one of these things...

You paid attention during 91% of high school!

85-100% You must be an autodidact, because American high schools don't get scores that high! Good show, old chap!

Do you deserve your high school diploma?
Create a Quiz

I'll bet some of my teachers would be surprised by this.

You guys are throwing off my schedule! I should have reached 1,000 comments sometime late next week, but you've upped my count. When will it be? Who will it be? Do I count multiple repeat comments? (answer - of course! If they take the time, they could be rewarded...)

And to the anonymous commenter yesterday about the Silke Tweed and how it blooms - thanks! I always forget about how yarn will bloom after washing. I will knit up a swatch and wash it and see before I start the hoodie. It's kind of back burnered right now - there are other things calling me. Like some socks I may owe someone if he comes through for me in the near future. I'm hoping for big news soon. Very soon. Can't be soon enough!

Will there be a winner today? next week? two weeks from Tuesday? Stay tuned...


Anonymous said...

Whaddya mean?? What kind of big news??? Could this be a new job???
Give with the news!!!!

Anonymous said...

ooooo - big news?!! good news?!!!
we'll be waiting.......

TracyKM said...

Do they have a Canadian version of that quiz? Cause, do you really WANT an American HS diploma? :)

Unknown said...

I think that we should bump our scores up by at least 5% for nowing American stuff!

Saren Johnson said...

I'm going to have to steal that quiz.

Anonymous said...

Ooooh a contest AND Big news. How can I resist?
Aurora Lurker

katrynka said...

I am keeping my fingers crossed that the big news is job related!!

Needles said...

I'll cross my toes for your big news, but only when I'm sitting down. I can't walk with crossed toes.

I see my strategy is working.

Anonymous said...

I got the same score!!
But they didn't tell me which were my correct and incorrect answers.
What is a dangling modifier and why would I want one? Can you knit with it?
Good luck on the hopefully big news. I'm hoping the guy who left paved the way, or opened a window, or something.
Marlyce in Windsor

Carol said...

Gotta go do the quiz. ciao.

Anonymous said...

I got the same score too--is it a Canadian thing or just knitters are smarter, more diligent, more patient, knowing that all those stitches/hours spent studying in high school will finally amount to something?! Ironically I was terrible in high school and university but when I went BACK to school as an adult the difference was amazing!!

As for your contest, of course I'd love to win the choker but will probably miss it by one or two so instead, I would like to plead on bended knee for you to blog where you got the pattern and the beads so I can make my own (more of a sure thing!!)