Wednesday, July 26, 2006

picot edge clarification

A short post to clarify a point when making a picot edge... The picots are created on the "K2tog, yo" row. Then you knit the 7 or so rows for the inside hem. The hem will naturally want to fold at the picot row, and then you sew down the bind off edge.
If you aren't fond of picots (and some people aren't!) you can simply do a purl row all the way around. This too, will create a natural fold line.

Eliza also asked whether or not I switch to a smaller needle when doing the hem stitches, to avoid any flaring of the top.
If I had been able to find my 2mm needles, I probably would have - but since they have gone MIA, I didn't and to be honest, the flaring is not noticeable, so I guess I dodged a bullet there!

I was planning on adding pictures to illustrate what I'm talking about - but of course, my camera is not anywhere near me. And the memory card is full. (I know, I've got to download the pictures from last Christmas - I will, really!) And I can't find my other memory card. Didja ever have one of those days???

I've got to get my camera is shipshape soon - the Harlot is coming next week - like I'm going to let that opportunity pass by without pictures!

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