Monday, December 24, 2007

Have a SUPER holiday! (and a contest!)

I have an 8 year old. It's all about the Super Friends...

I realized that I never did a final tally of the knitted Christmas gifts - lets do a quickie contest - comments on this post only, with your guess as to how many total gifts were knitted. You have until 9am (EST) on Friday the 28th, and the person who's closest without going over wins a yarny prize. I haven't picked it yet, but it will be yummy.

Hints - lots of socks, the beaded bracelets, handwarmers and scarves...

To you and yours - if you celebrate the next few days, have a wonderful time. If you don't, have a wonderful time anyway. I will be surrounded by family and friends, right where I want to be.

Merry Christmas!


Anonymous said...

My vote is 20 gifty items made! And I'm at work today!!! Ewwwwww!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

I'm voting for 29 handmade gifts.
And a BIG Hooray for your ongoing
efforts, and your enjoyable blog.
Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year.
Marlyce in Windsor, Ontario

Carol said...

You want me to count?? Really? I am slacker gril extraordinaire, I'm not gonna count! I'm gonna guess! And my guess is elevendy.

Anonymous said...

Hmm, let's try this again. Sorry if this comment comes up twice, your blog isn't wanting to take my comments.
I put in a guess of 15. Many more than I knit this year. :)
Phyll in Florida

katrynka said...

I am going high, as I recall that there were a LOT of the beaded bracelets!! 47

Have a very Merry Christmas!!

Rose said...

I'll guess 37! Thanks for sharing your writing and your photos! Hope your Christmas is/was merry!

Anonymous said...

I recall a LOT of bracelets. So, along with the beautiful necklaces, and assorted other goodies, my guess is 52.

Merry Christmas!

Aurora lurker

deirdre said...

I'm guessing 24, the thought of which impresses me mightily...

Christine said...

I was amazed at all your knitted beaded bracelets, and just generally enjoy your blog. Since everyone is guessing low, I think I'll post my guess as 65 (my mind just boggles at that number, though!)

Anonymous said...

I am hoping that you knitted all that gifty goodness throughout the entire year! My guess is 72...good grief. Happy New Year!
