Tuesday, July 15, 2008

computer issues...

...are keeping me from posting (and reading!) blogs. (I write at home, and fine tune and post from work)

Argh! the I.T. department at work and I are not getting along. I've been asking (with my boss's blessing) for a new computer for 2 months. The work I do entails needing a better box than they think I need, but they don't know exactly what it is that I do, and we've been circling around each other for weeks.
Today, after I spent three hours watching two different I.T. guys try different things, they have come to the conclusion that I may need a new computer. Now if I could get authorization...

ARGH!!!! I got all the authorizations two months ago. I want a new box. My boss wants me to have a new box, and has signed off on the request.

If this isn't fixed tomorrow, I'm going to the computer store, buying my own and giving them the bill.

I hate incompetence. I hate people who, without understanding what I do, tell me what they think I should have, when I know what i need in order to do my job. And these two things are not the same. My present computer is old enough to still be powered by a hamster running on a wheel, and the hamster is hurting.

I have some lovely weaving and knitting photos. Really I do.

Peeved?? Me?? I'm off to have another glass of wine. I needed at least one to calm down before I wrote this. You can only imagine what this would have said if I wrote it an hour ago...


smariek said...

OMG, it should NOT take that long to get a new computer, especially if you have the OK for it. Yeesh!

If your computer is so old that it is out of warranty (usually 3 yrs), the computer needs to break itself in such a way that it would cost more to buy the replacement part than it would to replace the computer. For example, with a laptop, you'd want the LCD to go bad.

deirdre said...

How utterly frustrating - lousy computer and know-it-all IT guys to boot...

hope you had your second glass of wine - situations like that make my blood boil... I am boiling on your behalf...

Needles said...

The hamsters inside are probably knitting. Badly.

But it is time to put them out to pasture for sure.

CatBookMom said...

Arrghh! I remember some of those battles when I was still working. Too bad your boss didn't personally have a chat with the IT department; things might have moved faster. You have a good plan for today.

Hope it was a lovely wine!

Carol said...

That is so frustrating. Most IT depts are a buch of idjits running around pretending to work. Speakign from my experiences at work with them. hope it gets better faster!

Saren Johnson said...

IT Nazi's are so much fun to deal with. (Yeah, I'm kinda of one of them.) Hope it works itself out.