Thursday, October 09, 2008

these ARE my winter shoes...

I'm known for my flip flops. I admit it, they are my shoe of choice, and I stretch the season as much as possible. I have well over 30 pairs of them, and wear them whenever I can get away with it.

So, when we were leaving the Guild meeting on Tuesday, Susan looked at my shoes, and asked when I was going to break out the winter shoes.
These are my winter shoes! See, they're fleece lined...
Okay, so maybe they won't be so great once there is actual snow on the ground, but for now, they work just fine...


Needles said...

I understand these shoes. I really do. I can't wear them to work anymore, though. Its just to hard on my feet, but in a perfect world...

CatBookMom said...

ROFL!! You live *where*???? Kind of tough wading through snowdrifts with those, inn'it?? You can tell that you haven't squeezed your toesies into high heels much.

I love thong sandals, but my bunions and associated other foot problems have been getting worse much more slowly since I quit wearing them most of the time. Just wish Birkies weren't so much pricier!! Sadly, I think bunion surgery is in my plans for the new year. ;(

Carol said...

Love the flipflops! Love the toenail colour! Adore the blue! Sorry, I got a little excited by your footwear. Um, not I don't have a foot fetish. I LOVE me some shoes, though.

Sel and Poivre said...

One of my closest friends is a flip flop lover - I'm going to send her the link to this post. She's going to love it!

Anonymous said...

I love your flipflops. These are looking much comfortable.