Thursday, October 23, 2008

steps one and two - done.

Steps one and two of the first steek are complete. I have marked the cutting line with a black thread, to ensure it is centred and will work. Then I machine sewed a line on either side of this thread. This is to stabilize the wool once cut - since I did not build in a steek, there are some floats across the cutting line. I will pick up along a line of stitches just on the outside of the machine sewing, and knit up some bands to finish off the front. I'll have to decide whether or not I want to add buttons or clasps, Pewter clasps would look great, but won't go a long way towards warmth - they tend to leave gaps. But I'm not sure I want buttons. Oh well, I 'll decide that soon enough.

Now that I have everything ready, I want to cut this! But I promised the Guild that I would wait and cut it at our next meeting. I guess I can wait a couple of weeks...

And for the big girl boot fans out there - the boots of the day...


Needles said...

I'll bee watching with bated breath.My next project is going to be that fair isle vest, and I have two choices. Fully fair isle, with arm steeks as well as a steak for the front, or, no fair isle on the uppers and just the front steak.

Like it or not, prepared for it or not, I'll be learning shortly. It will feel like a leap of faith, but like most leaps, once the first step is done, its easy.

Anonymous said...

Can't wait for the steek night!!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure you don't want to sew a couple more rows of zigzags over those ones just to make sure?

Don't forget the bottle of scotch to pass around for reinforcement. We will all need it as we collectively gasp as you take the shears and bravely slash down the middle of your sweater. I can't wait for the excitement and horror!

Carol said...

bring on the steeks! And the wine....

Love the boots!

Anonymous said...

Is it just me or do those boots look like they're prepared for steeking, too?