Friday, November 02, 2007

keeping up

I feel like I've been depressing lately. My issues with my workplace, and this never-ending illness seem to be my discussion topics, and well, I feel like that's not fair. I assume you come here for the knitting, and lately you've been getting the complaining. Sorry about that.
With regard tot he workplace issues - Lucky pinned it - she told me that one of my emails had a "sadness" to it. That's what it is - a sadness. With my ex-boss gone, there's no one here to confide in, to talk to, to laugh about the idiosyncrasies that occur daily. It sucks. But I'm making the best of it. It's still my job, and they pay me to do it, and it's my nature to do the best I can do. I am looking into options, some of which mean staying here, but possibly reducing my hours, which would work for me. Some options obviously entail moving on, but I'm going to make sure that any move I make is a good one for me and for my family.
The cold / flu / allergies / whatever is causing this is a completely different story. I start feeling better, and then a coughing fit comes over me that leaves me weak. At least they are fewer and far between, but still. It's been 3 weeks! Enough already!

But I'm looking ahead. To good things. Like finishing Tubey. (It's been my knitting focus at night. I'm still looking to wear it on Tuesday). Like doing some more beaded chokers. (beads are strung and ready.) To finishing up some fingerless mitts for gifts. And I'm especially looking forward to going to Disney World with my boys. And seeing my Mom in Florida as well. It's a long needed vacation, and I hope it refreshes and revitalizes us.

I'm also looking forward to an extra hour of sleep this weekend, and coming back MOnday with lots of knitting for you.


Carol said...

Don't worry about hte "whiny" posts. I do them too. It's because work etc has a way of impinging on the fun part of life! No worries here. Actually, it makes me think over my whininess and helps me put it into perspective too. I have been in awful work situations, I know how it leaves a mark. I am still trying to heal the wounds on my soul from the last one...over a year ago! Just show us Tubey!

Saren Johnson said...

Friends are here for support, in good times and bad ones. You can't vent to the Ex-boss, but you can to us otherwise you'll be making yourself more crazy.

Anonymous said...

Emotions count in a blog.We read because we relate! Remember, my emotionless blog is so very boring.

I had a nasty (temporary) boss once who put such fear into me about the dumbest things, I still don't think I've ever quite recovered from that neurotic time.

My knitting is also very dull these days. No finished stuff yet. Sigh!

deirdre said...

I think an all-knitting, all-the-time blog wouldn't let us get to know you nearly as well - personally, I love a well-rounded, emotionally-invested read ...

I just hope things improve somehow for you on the work front - awful to spend so much of your time in a less than happy situation...