Friday, September 29, 2006


I've got nothing. Work has exploded around me (and not in a very good way). Very little sleeping has been done, even less knitting. I hope to have the alien hat done soon, so please come back and check.
Can someone warp the time-space continuum for me? I need about 8 extra hours in the day - just for a couple of weeks... or months...
Send chocolate...


Anonymous said...

I know what you mean. Would that be Cadbury (the best IMO), Hershey or Godiva?

I need some chocolate too. I just killed our good printer here at work this morning by inserting a few sheets of card stock that was a micro-nothing too much for the printer, it seems. Techie coming in thanks to me!

CatBookMom said...

So sorry to hear about the work explosion. I remember those with hatred. Where do managers figure staffers are going to find 48 hours in your average 24-hour day? Don't forget to take a tiny break here and there, just time to make a fresh cup of your favorite stimulant, roll your shoulders and neck, stretch your arms and back, and give your eyes a rest from those computer monitors.