Thursday, October 19, 2006

recovery update, and other ramblings...

Well, Mom is still in ICU, but that's only because there is not a bed available for her in a surgical room. Hopefully today. The doctors have cleared her for release from ICU, and she's antsy to get out of there. I am constantly on the phone it seems - calling the ICU to check on her (those nurses are the BEST!!), and spending the evening on the phone to family and friends, passing out updates. I have "point people" - one person that I call with info and they spread it from there, but even at that, there are 8-9 calls that are made each night, either in or out. I am beginning to hate the phone.
Knitting is continuing, albeit slowly. The Tibetan Buddhist Nun sock is coming along nicely - I'm almost done the gold heel. By the way, the colours are a deep burgundy and rich gold, not the pink and yellow as it appeared in the photo. And yes Tracy, I do have a Buddhist Nun SIL. Not that it means anything as far as I can tell. She does a lot for a Temple, and travels quite a bit, but she's always done that - she's a wonderful journalist and writer. She's met the Dalai Lama (and pronounced him "quite nice" - like what? we were expecting him to be an obnoxious ass??). She dresses in Western clothing, and has no food restrictions or any other restrictions that I am aware of, so personally, I'm thinking the "nun" thing is arbitrary, and not as binding as perhaps a Catholic Nun would be. I don't have fond memories of Catholic Nuns - as a left-handed kid in a Montreal Catholic school in the mid-1960's, good opinions were not formed when one TIED MY LEFT HAND TO MY SIDE TO MAKE ME USE MY RIGHT HAND!! (Can you tell that still annoys me??) Thankfully, we moved to Ontario quite soon after that fact, and I embraced the Ontario Public School System (and my left-handedness). Not surprisingly, I also dis-embraced the Catholic faith - while it means a lot to my Mom, I guess I'm more of a self-practicing person. No organized religion for me, thanks very much. I've been called a heathen, and kind of like it, so I go with that. As long as I try to be a good person, and "do unto others..." I'm ok with it.
Right. Back to knitting... (as she steps of the unintentional soapbox) Icarus has been ignored lately - charts and worry don't get along, but I hope to pick it up again soon. I'm on the third of 4 lace charts, so I really want to get this done.
Hopefully, pictures to come...

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