1. FIRST NAME? Technically, Marie, but I go by Sandra
2. WERE YOU NAMED AFTER ANYONE? Full name is Marie Sandra Jacqueline - the Marie is from Mary (you know, the famous one? the Virgin and all that?), Sandra is just what my parents liked, and Jacqueline is my Godmother/Aunt's name.
3. WHEN DID YOU LAST CRY? Geez, my Mom is in ICU for god's sake! I'm crying alot! Plus, I can cry over books (Anne of Green Gables when Matthew dies - Little Women - Beth), TV show, movies, life in general. Part of being my mother's daughter.
4. DO YOU LIKE YOUR HANDWRITING? Actually, yes. I'm a big list maker.
5. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE LUNCHMEAT? Rare roast beef, or Montreal smoked meat.
6. IF YOU WERE ANOTHER PERSON WOULD YOU BE FRIENDS WITH YOU? Probably. I'm kinda fun, very generous and a really good listener.
7. DO YOU HAVE A JOURNAL? um, hello? What are we looking at here? Other than the blog, I don't really journal my life.
8. DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR TONSILS? Nope. They snagged them when I was three, thinking they were the cause of my illness. They weren't. I had a kidney disease called nephritis. (all better now!)
9. WOULD YOU BUNGEE JUMP? You betcha! I'm so jealous of my friend Neff who bungeed in New Zealand!
10. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE CEREAL? When I eat cereal, I usually reach for Golden Grahams or Harvest Crunch.
11. DO YOU UNTIE YOUR SHOES WHEN YOU TAKE THEM OFF? Not if I can help it. THis annoys my husband to no end.
12. DO YOU THINK YOU ARE STRONG? Physically - not bad. I was in way better shape when I was younger. Emotionally strong? you wouldn't think so, but I rise to the occasion when needed.
13. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE ICE CREAM FLAVOR? I had this once - I wish I could remember where - soft serve chocolate with maraschino cherries. I bought an ice cream maker just to duplicate this - I'm pretty close. ALso,
mamacate's recipe for brown sugar ice cream - to die for!
14. SHOE SIZE? I was a 7 until I got pregnant - now I'm an 8.
15. RED OR PINK? Red. Although I've been told I look good in pink.
16. LEAST FAVOURITE THING ABOUT YOU? My belly. and my inexplicable need for gossip!
17. WHO DO YOU MISS THE MOST? Hands down, my Dad. For the past 11 years, I've missed him every single day.
18. DO YOU WANT EVERYONE TO SEND THIS BACK TO YOU? Of course. It goes back to the need for gossip and info. Let me know if you do this on your own blog...
19. WHAT COLOR PANTS, SHIRT AND SHOES ARE YOU WEARING? Since I'm at work - black pants, black t-shirt, periwinkle blue knit hoodie. Black clogs that look like hiking boots, but are open at the back, and I don't need to wear socks.
20. LAST THING YOU ATE? Breakfast - coffee, english muffin with peanut butter and a pear in the car.
21. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The Body Rockers - I Like The Way You Move. (Very cool song)
23. FAVORITE SMELL? babies just out of a bath.
24. WHO WAS THE LAST PERSON YOU TALKED TO ON THE PHONE? Loretta, the ICU nurse looking after my mom. She is the coolest woman in my world right now.
25. THE FIRST THING YOU NOTICE ABOUT PEOPLE YOU ARE ATTRACTED TO? eyes if I'm looking from the front. Butt otherwise.
26. DO YOU LIKE THE PERSON you stole THIS from? I've never met
Cara, but I like her nonetheless.
27. FAVORITE DRINK? Local Ontario beers (Creemore in particular). Single malt scotch. Good red wine. Fresh, cold spring water.
28. FAVORITE SPORT? Curling (D'uh, what's my name?) Basketball.
29. EYE COLOR? Green
30. HAT SIZE? Huge. Seriously, I've got a melon up there. (You'd think I'd be smarter...)
31. DO YOU WEAR CONTACTS? Glasses. I wore contacts for years, and abused my eyes doing it. Now I'm into glasses.
32. FAVORITE FOOD? Too many to choose from. Hubby and I both like to cook, so we eat pretty well.
33. SCARY MOVIES OR HAPPY ENDINGS? Both. depends on the mood.
35. SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer. especially at the cottage. But it's hard to beat a cold, crisp sunny day with tons of snow...
36. HUGS OR KISSES? yes, please.
37. FAVORITE DESSERT? I'm not a huge dessert fan. I love the sweets, but I don't particularly like them after a good meal.
39. LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? Since I'm not sending it to anyone, and depending on people to jus tread it, who knows?
40. WHAT BOOKS ARE YOU READING? Pirate by Ted Bell. Main character Alexander Hawke. I'm a big espionage, murder mystery, thriller type reader. I don't necessarily need my books to teach me life lessons. I get enough of that in real life. Of course, the Harry Potter books, Narnia Books, and some other classics are piled by the bedside at all times.
41. WHAT'S ON YOUR MOUSE Pad? nothing. I don't seem to express myself with mouse pads very well. However, I have most of
Franklin's cartoons pinned up on my wall right above my mouse pad...
42. WHAT DID YOU WATCH LAST NIGHT ON TV? Tuesday is a bit of wasteland for me. We watched How It's Made on Discovery, then some baseball, then Jay Leno. Tonight, it's Criminal Minds - I loves me some Mandy Patinkin...
43. FAVORITE SOUNDS? My son laughing. A really great song. My mom in ICU asking for a martini.
46. WHAT'S YOUR SPECIAL TALENT? Geez. I'm not telling anyone that!!
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Montreal, Quebec, Canada
48. WHO SENT THIS TO YOU? I stole it from
Okay - your turn. DO IT DO IT DO IT DO IT! You know you want to.