Thursday, October 29, 2009


I finally cast off the never-ending Montego Bay Scarf. I could have kept going, but to be honest, it's a scarf, not a freaking escape ladder, and I think once it got to a certain length, anything more would be superfluous. Yes, I ended up with a small amount of silk/merino left over. Not enough for much of anything. And you know what? It's easy to do this: Quite liberating, I might add.

Seriously - this thing blocked out to over 9 feet long and 9 inches wide. Enough, already...
And when I unpinned it, it stayed over 9 feet long and 9 inches wide. The lace opened up beautifully. I probably didn't need to block it so severely - I could have reduced it by a couple of feet, but the wool was so fine, I thought a really open, lacy effect would be nice. And it is.

It's been packed away for Christmas - not yet sure who the recipient will be yet. Depends on who doesn't piss me off between now and then...

I've been tossing a lot of stuff around the house lately. Getting rid of the excess. Whether it be toys, clothes or other such detritus we seem to have collected over the years, we are slowly weeding it out. For a family of three, we have a lot of stuff. An embarrassingly large amount of stuff. We've thrown around the idea of a garage sale, but neither one of us is at all interested in doing it, so Goodwill and garbage it is. Toys especially. Having worked in the toy and craft industry for a large part of my career, I have accumulated lots of them. Every week, our goal is a minimum of one garbage bag and one donation bag out of the basement. So far so good. Plus, we're attacking the clothes - every thing the kid has outgrown gets given away or tossed, depending on condition. Adult stuff - same. I've got clothes that I haven't worn in a long time. Some was being held onto for sentimental reasons, but really, will I think of my dad less if his blue and white striped shirt is no longer hanging in my closet? I don't think so. Will I suddenly cease to remember that great rafting trip we took in the Ozarks without the t-shirt from Missouri? Nope. Memories are ingrained. Stuff is not. So it's going. All of it. Eventually.


Anonymous said...

Great scarf. It will look beautiful wrapped generously around the recipient on a cold day. As for clothes kept for sentimental reasons, I saw an article where someone had their deceased family member's old shirts (I think it was their husband) made into a quilt. The main large areas from the shirt backs were cut (or any funky print from the fronts of tshirts) and pieced together, with a flannel backing. It was a great way to stay warm and at the same time, remember that person.

Philosophical Karen said...

Good luck with the decluttering! You are a better person than I, and you seem to have your family helping you. I wish I could be as dedicated.

Oh, and that scarf is great! Aren't you glad to have it finished?

Needles said...

I really really need to play moving, a game where I toss out anything I am not willing to carry to a truck. I don't want to imagine how much stuff I would get rid of. (because I am scared to)

Carol said...

long scarves are in. But I agree, 9 foot long is plenty long!

I too am weeking out slowly. A drawer here, a box there. And I give alot of stuff to the women's shelter. You might want to ask if they want some of the toys.

Sel and Poivre said...

Oooo I love, love, love getting rid of "stuff"! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

congratulations on getting the upper hand over that scarf!
de-cluttering...oh yes.
it's been on my list for a long time, now to do it.
keep writing about it, it's very inspirational!

Jen said...

You can take photos of large dimensional objects that are sentimental and then donate them to a better place. Saves the memory and gives you more place to store yarn.

Linda said...

De-cluttering is happening at my house, also. One of our 2 sheds (one for gardening tools, the other for out of season clothes, dishes, etc) needs to be replaced and when I realized that we needed a bigger shed I thought that it was time to shed a few items. It is actually happening but we still need the bigger shed. I have stash to protect, you know. LOL.