Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the cute continues...

The February baby at work has been taken care of, now the March baby is bootie-d and hatted as well. And I've given them to C - she loved them, and has taken them home already. What's missing from this? Pictures! I thought I took some before I gave the set to her, but obviously, I didn't because I can't find them. Picture the February set, only in Knit Picks S'mores colours - browns, creams and greys. As is pretty obvious, I don't do pastels for babies - I prefer more colour.

C loved the set - booties and a beanie with 4 icords sticking out the top, and that's what matters.

So, in lieu of a baby picture, I have the February lady sweater progress. I'm quite happy with the black and sage green combination - this will actually go with quite a bit of my wardrobe. the green is a little greener than it appears here, but it is still greyed down quite a bit. I think that's why the black goes with it so well. Of course, I will prbably have enough of the green that I could have done the whole sweater in green - but that's the chance you take!

***Late breaking news - the February baby has been born! A healthy baby boy, Mom and babe are doing well, and the office is expecting a visit in the near future. Unfortunately, the early delivery blew my chances at the baby pool winnings...


Saren Johnson said...

Sweater is going to be spiffy. I like the colors. Bummer about the baby pool. But I bet Mommy is *happy*!!

Anonymous said...

i am so with you about not doing pastels for babies!
see you tuesday.