Monday, May 31, 2010

I finally managed it!

A provisional seam that unzips as I sew it up!

I've crocheted innumerable provisional seams, and this is the first time it unzips properly.

I just wonder how the hell I did it...


Anonymous said...

Rats - I was hoping you could show me how you did it!

Brendaknits said...

I've never been successful with the crocheted provisionally either. I always knit a row with dental floss - it pulls out easily.

Needles said...

I was reading just the other day about this. It is all about which particular loops you knit into. Now of course a sensible person would have noted and REMEMBERED which loop it was that one ought to knit into, but I am not sensible.

Needles said...

PS, I like Brenda's method myself. I have used Judy's Magic Cast on occasionally and have also sucked it up and pulled out the last row. It just depends on what it going on in the work.

Acorn to Oak said...

I don't understand it but...yay! worked! I know that must be pretty cool! Can't wait to see the completed sweater. :-)

deirdre said...

Too funny!! I just did that, too - did provisional cast ons for two sleeves: one was a mess, handpicking out every stitch, but the second unzipped liked a charm -

no idea what I did differently...

Anonymous said...

I hate doing something that works and I think, Oh, I'll remember THIS! Yeah, right.

Saren Johnson said...
