Thursday, January 08, 2009

new on the needles

Another cardigan. Plain black, top down raglan, no pattern, just a vague use of math and measuring:and so far, it's working out well. The problem is that I do not have enough black wool to finish it to the length I want, so I did some stash diving and came up with some grey suri alpaca for cuffs, long hem and front bands. It got Helga's and Ann's seal of approval at our Guild meeting on Tuesday, so that's good. I've almost finished one cuff and it looks good.

I also picked up some pewter clasps for the Kauni (thanks for all the nice comments!), and will soak, block and sew them on this weekend, hopefully. I was asked about a pattern for Kauni, however, the pattern I have looks pretty much like the one above, except the Kauni one is mostly in my head, so no pattern available - sorry. Top down raglan patterns are available pretty much everywhere, so it's pretty easy to adapt one. As far as the fair isle design - I doodles this one up myself, but again - they are available everywhere, so find one you like and adapt it in.

I still have another colourway of Kauni yarn - in greens and golds - enough for another sweater. I think the damask pattern would be smashing, but the question is pullover or another cardigan? Hmmm...


Brendaknits said...

Thanks for the Kauni 'Pattern' :) All of that I can do.

Saren Johnson said...

You do patterns like I do... I use my palm pilot instead of paper.

Anonymous said...

so much more versatile!