Wednesday, October 24, 2012


2x2 ribbing is not hard. Knit 2, purl 2, repeat. Simple right? You'd think so... So why do I screw it up pretty much EVERY TIME?? Geez...


Saren Johnson said...

Stop doing it in the dark and blindfolded. =^.^=

I know what you mean, sometimes the simplest things are the hardest.

Sigrun said...

Maybe it's too easy, so it's mindless--give yourself a challenge ☺.

Acorn to Oak said...

That can be so frustrating. I've found myself doing that on super easy stuff too....the stuff that we should have NO problem with. Good luck!

Nancy said...


(I missed you last night! Can you tell???)


Needles said...

Its that dastardly number 2 again and his evil minion, the number 4.

Brendaknits said...

Because you're related to me???