Wednesday, August 22, 2012

weaving 2 - two days!

Once I cleared the green silk off the loom, I immediately started digging in the basket of odd bits and pieces of yarns I brought up to the cottage for possible weaving. (that was a fun basket to put together - tossing the stash for odd balls here and there, and then seeing what could work together).
What worked first was this three way combo of three blues.
Two separate alpacas in a light blue and a medium blue, which I striped in the warp (I made it about 6 feet long...) I used up almost all of these little odd balls...
Then the weft was some Fleece Artist (I think) merino silk (I think) with maybe some mohair (which leads me to believe that it may be from Wellington Fibres instead of Fleece Artist), but whatever it is - it was almost a full ball of tonal blues with some purples and greens tossed into the mix.


The colours above are pretty true - the modeled shots below are not even close - it's very blue, not grey tones as shown. And as the title says - it took me two days! I warped it in our screened porch one afternoon (it turns out our screened porch at the cottage is the perfect size to warp a scarf...). This was the source of much amusement from family members and friends - my husband and son are pretty blase about seeing great lengths of yarn strung across a room, but others were fascinated by the process...
The next day I wove it, using up all the Fleece Artist/Wellington Fibres whatever it was..., and fringed it the following morning. Less than 48 hours, and during that time there were also meals, sleeping and general cottage merriment.

Next up - the third weaving project which is going to take me longer to complete...


Saren Johnson said...


Acorn to Oak said...

Very pretty! It's amazing that the photos at the top and bottom are of the same scarf. It looks like two totally different projects. Sounds like you're having a lot of fun! :-)

AlisonH said...

Oooooh, w o w !!! Gorgeous!!!

Needles said...

I have a bunch of things that would be perfect for tossing together to make a scarf. But that would mean finishing what is on the loom right now. And as you know...

Anonymous said...

LOVE that scarf???
I was immune to weaving up to that project, but now...

Anonymous said...

Sorry those ??? were supposed to be !!!
(That's what happens when you try to type and eat lunch at the same time!!! Sorry!)

Knit and Purl Mama said...

Love them! I can't believe how quickly an entire scarf takes!! I must find the time to weave!