Tuesday, June 14, 2011

time management

2 carpool days, a school bus field trip, and one baseball game. Add in the final swimming lesson, and add another inch or so to this...

People who say they can't find the time to do things aren't trying hard enough...


AlisonH said...

Love the socks! And the sentiment. I cannot understand people who just sit in doctors' waiting rooms (saw several such yesterday). I find I tend to provide quite a bit of entertainment for them with my knitting--happy to oblige, happy to oblige, just, what if I'm not there!

Brendaknits said...

You are so right. Give 'em h--- knitter.

Needles said...

Really liking the solid toe. A perfect balance.

Saren Johnson said...

Nicely done.

Carol said...

around here, it's more like find the energy...work and stuff keeps sucking it out of me. a little oral surgery isn't helping

Knit and Purl Mama said...

You are so right. I can't wait until the boys are older to have carpool waiting times to get knitting and reading done!