Monday, October 06, 2008

all socks, all the time...

The one bonus of knitting multiple socks at once time is the finishing aspect. This weekend saw me spend a little time on socks, and get two full pairs out of the deal. I also cast on three more toes for more mindless knitting for the next little while.

A blurry picture of the Alpaca socks - and no, they do not have elf toes - these are for feet much larger than my own. And the blurriness kind of conveys the softness of these - they are delicious, and if they weren't so big, I'd keep them for myself.

And the Eliza socks - hand dyed by my friend Elizabeth Fallone. True yumminess. And, luckily for my nephew, too big for me, so he will get them for Christmas. Lucky guy.

I've cast on a new sock in Trekking (a gift), and one in Opal (for Me!), and the second sock of a pair of Regia Galaxy for the star gazing family member's Christmas Gift.

I'm in all day meetings for the next two days, and my evenings are packed with business and personal commitments, so you may not hear much from me until Wednesday or Thursday. I've got to talk about my take on the Markham Fair.

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