Tuesday, July 01, 2008

It came!

... and I didn't take any pictures of it arriving. I could have done the whole photo essay - seeing the box by the door... opening it... seeing all the pieces... putting it together... but I didn't.

I did put it together, and thought I would do a test piece, using up some of my Briggs and Little wool stash (I have a LOT!). I should have read the warping instructions, but being me, I just forged ahead - "How tough could it be?" may have even come out of my mouth...

Well, when you don't read the instructions, it can be a little tough. And tangled. But I persevered, and got going.
I didn't have a chance to take this to the cottage with me - it's a little bulky when set up, and space can be a premium in the vehicle, so it was waiting for me when I got home last night. I finished warping it up, ans this morning, started the weaving. The amount you see above is what I accomplished in about 20 minutes before I got dressed and left for work. I like this - I can see a real use for this in my life - it will never replace the knitting - I enjoy that too much, but it will take it's place with the sewing and quilting and other stuff I do.
Now I just have to find a good home for it in my house - it can't just be stuffed into a tote bag like my knitting can...


Anonymous said...

I am telling myself, Step away from the credit card. Step away from the loom....

Sel and Poivre said...
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Sel and Poivre said...

On the weekend at our cottage I actually thought about you possibly weaving at your cottage and I had the great idea of buying one for myself and having it live at the cottage! The microscopic nature of our little cabin makes that an utter impossibility but I can dream can't I? (And live vicariously through your weaving posts!) Thanks for sharing!

Carol said...

New toys! woo hoo!

Anonymous said...

Have fun!

deirdre said...

Holy Moly, woman, you don't waste any time!!! My kids are off with their dad for the next three days, so I am determined to get mine warped properly - how'd you get yours done so fast, and where did you attach the warp ends???

My hero....